Key Health Screenings Women Over 40 Should Prioritize

Regular health screenings are necessary after you turn 40, as they allow you to catch potential health issues early on, while they are still treatable. By the time you reach

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Regular health screenings are necessary after you turn 40, as they allow you to catch potential health issues early on, while they are still treatable.

By the time you reach your 40s, your health literally becomes like a houseplant that you barely kept alive for years. Of course, it’s still thriving but needs some extra care from time to time in order to stay that way. The 40s is the decade where health screenings start playing a huge role in keeping you feeling young and healthy for the many decades to come.

After all, many health conditions like high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and others, can be very sneaky. They tend to develop quietly without any obvious symptoms. And, the only way to detect them is through regular checkups and screenings. Key health screenings for women over 40, are the early warning system that is designed to help you catch potential problems before they turn into something serious.

So, let’s take a closer look at the key screenings that every woman over the age of 40 should prioritize. And, let’s also discuss why they matter so much.

Key Health Screenings Women Over 40 Should Prioritize

Essential Health Screenings

When it comes to health screenings, there are many. But the most essential screenings that you will want to undertake on a regular basis include mammograms, Pap smears, bone density tests, blood pressure tests, and screenings for diabetes.

Mammograms: Early Breast Cancer Detection

Breast cancer is considered to be one of the most common cancers that any woman can face. But, here is some good news. Early detection of breast cancer can save lives. Mammograms are specifically designed to catch the tiniest of changes in breast tissue. Long before your doctor can spot them in a regular physical exam, a mammogram can detect them.

Once you reach 40, it is generally recommended that you schedule a mammogram every single year. This is even more crucial if your family has a history of breast cancer. In fact, for women with a family history of breast cancer, doctors generally suggest starting earlier than 40.

Why It Matters

When we catch breast cancer in its earliest stage, it is a lot easier to treat. Being able to treat the cancer means that we have a higher survival rate. So, it just makes sense to do whatever you can to detect it as early as possible.

Pro Tip

When you go in for your mammogram, always remember to wear a two-piece outfit for your appointment. This way, you will only need to remove your top. This will help make the process feel a lot less intimidating.

A woman getting a mammogram

Bone Density Tests: Health Screenings for Osteoporosis

Bone density tests are important as they help us to detect osteoporosis. For most people, strong bones are something that is often taken for granted until it’s broken. Osteoporosis is the weakening of the bones, and this becomes a bigger risk as you get older. For women, especially after menopause, bone density begins to drop rapidly. And, one of the few ways of detecting just how strong the bones are, is through a bone density test. This test will help to identify whether you need to take steps in order to prevent possible fractures.

When to Start

As a general rule, women should begin bone density tests after they start menopause. However, if you have other risk factors such as low body weight or a family history of osteoporosis, you might want to start the bone density test earlier on.

Bonus Tip

While there are a number of excellent supplements and powders that can be taken on a daily basis to help control osteoporosis, regular strength training exercises, and consumption of calcium-rich foods will help keep your bones strong and sturdy. Make sure to include plenty of yogurt or leafy greens and your regular diet.

Pap Smear and HPV Tests: Ensuring Reproductive Health

A Pap smear and HPV tests are essential tools for preventing cervical cancers. By the time you are 40, you might not need one every single year, but you will still need to undergo regular testing. A Pap smear is designed to detect abnormal cells and cervix. At the same time, HPV tests help to screen people for high-risk strains of human papillomavirus that can cause cervical cancer. Together, these tests provide any woman with a strong defense against cervical cancer.

Why It Matters

Just like breast cancer, cervical cancer is highly treatable as long as it’s caught early. This is why regular screenings are so important. Not only can they help to increase the survival rate, but they can also help to monitor for other potential gynecological issues.

Pro Tip

Pap smears and HPV tests are not an annual requirement. Quite the contrary. If you have had consistent results, your doctor may even recommend spacing these out to every five years instead.

A woman at the gynecologist

Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Tests: Monitoring Heart with Health Screenings

From the time we are born, our hearts work very hard every second of the day. Imagine if you bought a car and never had to replace or rebuild the engine for 40 years. Our hearts need extra attention once we reach 40 because this is the time when high blood pressure and cholesterol begin to show up. And, as the blood pressure and cholesterol levels increase, so too can the risk of heart disease.

Blood Pressure Check

By the time you’re 40, you should have your very own blood pressure monitor next to your computer. It is a quick and painless test to ensure that your numbers are within a healthy range. Even now, right next to the monitor, I have my own blood pressure gauge that is powered by the computers at USB ports. If I feel like my pressure is off, I can simply do a quick and painless test to make sure that my numbers are in a healthy range.

Cholesterol Screening

But, you also need to check your levels of cholesterol. Cholesterol screening covers three important factors. First off, you have the LDL-cholesterol, which is more commonly referred to as bad cholesterol. Then you also have HDL-cholesterol which is considered good. The third factor is the triglycerides.

Why It Matters

When you are able to detect higher numbers earlier, it allows you to make lifestyle changes or take medication when needed. A few years ago, I did not have that option. Instead, I didn’t think anything about my blood pressure until I started to develop excruciating headaches. So, the next day after a bad headache, I had my blood pressure checked at the office, to find that it was well over 130/110, so my employer sent me to the hospital. Today, I have to take maintenance medications to help keep that blood pressure down.

Pro Tip

Always remember to combine these tests with your annual checkup in order to keep things simpler. In fact, you should also combine cholesterol checks with a diabetes screening.

Blood pressure check

Diabetes Health Screenings: Detecting Early Signs of Type 2 Diabetes

Just about everyone thinks that diabetes is all about sugar. But, type II diabetes is more than just the sugar levels in your body. Rather, it is a serious condition that can impact your kidneys, heart, eyes, and so much more. After you turn 40, your risk for type II diabetes increases substantially. This is exasperated when you have a family history of diabetes or are slightly overweight.

One of the best tests that you can do to determine whether your sugar levels are accurate, is to take an HbA1c test. This test will help to determine just how well your body is managing its glucose levels. And, it will help your doctor to catch the signs of prediabetes. This will give you a chance to reverse the condition through diet and exercise

Why It Matters

Without question, diabetes can quietly cause damage to the body over time. Early detection will allow you to prevent any possible complications. When I was younger, I helped an older gentleman who was clinically blind. I ran him to the grocery store to help him keep his shelves full and learned that he had lost his sight simply because he failed to catch diabetes early.

Pro Tip

As discussed previously, your best option is to pair your HbA1c test with your cholesterol tests. This way you and your doctor can discuss both at your next checkup and help to create a well-balanced diet to keep your body healthier for decades to come.

Drawing blood

How to Prepare for Health Screenings

Undergoing key health screenings does not have to be a scary task. Before you go in for your next screening or your first screen, here are some things that you will need to prepare.

Gather Your Medical History

before you head into your appointment, take some time to jot down any recent symptoms, medications you might be taking, and your family history. This will help your doctor to tailor their recommendations and understand your individual needs. Be honest and open with this information, to prevent any possible misdiagnosis.

Ask the Right Questions

At the same time, a health screening isn’t just about showing up. The screening itself is about getting answers. So, once you have finished your screen, it’s time to ask your doctor some questions. Here are the best questions that you can ask:

  • How often should I repeat the test?
  • Do I need to make any lifestyle changes?
  • Can I improve my numbers naturally?

Prioritize Your Regular Health Screenings

No matter how you look at it, it’s important to prioritize health screenings once you reach 40. Remember, it’s not about finding problems, rather, it’s about preventing them. Every single appointment you take, every test that is conducted, and every question that you ask your doctor is an investment in your long-term well-being.

Instead of thinking of screenings as a burden, you should consider them as a gift to yourself. They are a way of telling yourself that you are worth taking care of. So, love yourself by picking up a calendar, booking your appointments, and giving yourself a well-deserved pat on the back. Take control of your health and live a fit and fabulous life.

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